Hutchinson Central Technical High School
Course Syllabus
Course Name: Geometry
Instructor: Mrs. Derenberger Contact Time: 1:12-1:53 Phone Ext: 1321
Grading Policy
Tests 40%
Quizzes 40%
Homework 20%
*Students enrolled in Geometry will be required to take the New York State Geometry Regents in June.
*Students who do not pass the Geometry Regents in June will be required to attend summer school.
Homework Policy
Homework is checked on a regular basis. Each homework has a maximum value of 2 points. Students must show all work on homework assignments to receive 2 points.
*Note: Unexcused absences will result in a grade of zero. Extenuating circumstances may be taken into consideration on an individual basis.
*Note: Homework may be made up only when the answers are not posted in class. If answers are posted, you cannot hand in anything late.
**Parent will receive a phone call or email if you fail to complete homework in 3 consecutive
Test Policy
Tests will be given each unit. The Test questions will be similar to those covered in class and on homework assignments. Announcements of Test dates will be given at least two days prior to the assessment. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain any notes and assignments missed due to absence. If a student misses a Test due to illness, it must be made up the day the students return. In the case of an extended illness arrangements must be made with the teacher to make up the quiz.
*Please note if the student does not make up the assessment, a grade of zero will be given.
Quiz Policy
Quizzes will be given each unit. The quiz questions will be similar to those covered in class and on homework assignments. Announcements of quiz dates will be given at least two days prior to the assessment. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain any notes and assignments missed due to absence. If a student misses a quiz due to illness, it must be made up the day the students return. In the case of an extended illness arrangements must be made with the teacher to make up the quiz.
*Please note if the student does not make up the assessment, a grade of zero will be given.
None at this time.
Course Outline
2024-2025 Geometry Math Module Pacing Guide
*NOTE: This Pacing Guide was created based on the NYS modules.
It only identifies an APPROXIMATE place at which teachers should be in their instruction. Individual pace MAY VARY based on student data.