Hutchinson Central Technical High School

Course Syllabus


Course Name: Regents Chemistry

Instructor: Gordon Maccalum            Contact Time: 9:42-10:23 or 1:57-2:40         Phone Ext: 1410


Grading Policy
Quizzes: 20%
Tests: 20%
Homework: 20%
Classwork: 40%



Homework Policy
Technically, isn’t it all homework this year? Asynchronous non-live assignments will be considered homework this year. Late homework will be accepted with a penalty. The penalty will be assigned at my discretion, based on the assignment and how late the work was received. The penalty will range from 20-50% of the assignment’s total points.



Test Policy
Test will happen at the completion of a unit. They will be longer, take the entire class time for the day, and be based on 2-3 weeks of material. You will need to study to perform well on tests. You may do corrections on tests to earn back 50% of the lost points.



Quiz Policy
Quizzes will happen on most Fridays unless there is a test or a shortened week. They will be short and based on that week’s class material. You may do corrections on quizzes to earn back 50% of the lost points.



Classwork Policy

All work done during synchronous live instruction will be considered classwork. This may be formal assignments done on live days, or thing like your participation during live classes. This is the largest chunk of the grade for a reason. Classwork will be graded valuing effort and completion over correctness. In summary, participate and show effort in class, and your grade will be acceptable, even if you struggle with tests and quizzes. However, if you have the aptitude of Heisenberg (either one) and don’t participate, your grades will show this. Everyone can learn and grow from this course, but it will take the investment of your effort.



Course Outline
: Chemistry is the study of matter at its most simple level and how it can change. This course will offer students a fundamental understanding of the world around, and them to give them a background to deal with the complex problems of the world today. Development of reasoning skills and problem-solving strategies will benefit all students in further science coursework and other aspects of their lives. Student success of course material will prepare students for their end of the year Regents Exam and for introductory college chemistry. This course includes a laboratory portion that will have opportunities for students to use hands-on science techniques. The class will meet every day and lab will meet A-C or D-F days.

Unit 1: Measurements and Atomic Concepts
Unit 2: Periodic Table
Unit 3: Physical Behavior of Matter I
Unit 4: Bonding and Nomenclature
Unit 5: Gas Laws
Unit 6: Physical Behavior of Matter II
Unit 7 Chemical Reactions
Unit 8: Mole Concepts
Unit 9: Kinetics
Unit 10: Solutions
Unit 11: Acids and Bases
Unit 12: Red-ox Chemistry
Unit 13: Organic Chemistry
Unit 14: Nuclear Chemistry