Hutchinson Central Technical High School

Course Syllabus


Course Name: Regents Chemistry

Instructor: Pamela Bachwitz            Contact Time: 9:42-10:23         Phone Ext: 1412


Grading Policy
Communication – students should message me through Schoology with any questions or concerns. Student’s may speak with me before or after any class, make an appointment, or see me during office hours (see below). Email:

Office Hours - before school 7:30-7:55 am
Period 3 9:50-10:30
after school 3:00-3:30

Grades are determined from percentages of test scores, quizzes, projects/reports, assignments, classwork, class contributions…

All students are expected to monitor and complete ALL assignments in Schoology and to monitor their grades in Infinite Campus. Students are expected to do their own, best work and ask questions to be successful.

Assignments 10%
Test/Quiz/Projects 40%
Class Contributions 35%
Lab Average 15%



Homework Policy
Not all homework will be graded. Approximately 2/week will be graded, your job is to complete all assignments assuming they will all be graded. You will have an opportunity to fix or improve your grade if you discuss the problem with me.

All students are expected to monitor and complete ALL assignments in Schoology and to monitor their grades in Infinite Campus. Students are expected to do their own, best work and ask questions to be successful.

Habitually Late assignments will lose points.
Communication and promptness is important.



Test Policy
All tests will be announced approximately 1 week in advance to ensure plenty of time to prepare. There will be a review class prior to all tests. Tests will reflect the work covered in class, quizzes, and homework assignments. Most work will be based on Chemistry Regents exam materials.

Students should make every effort to be present on the day a test is administered. Makeup tests will avail at a pre scheduled time and may be more difficult, attendance is imperative.

All students will be required to take a comprehensive examination-the June Chemistry Regents exam.



Quiz Policy
Quizzes will be announced approximately 2 days in advance.

Students should make every effort to be present on the day a quiz is administered. Attendance is imperative.




Course Outline
1. Matter and Energy
2. Atomic Structure
3. Chemical Bonding
4. Gases
5. Mathematics of Chemistry
6. Periodic Table
7. Solutions
8. Acids and Bases
9. Kinetics and Equilibrium
10. Oxidation and Reduction
11. Organic Chemistry
12. Nuclear Chemistry